Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Okay, well, the result are in. I am hereby resigning the zombie list. I will still be doing reviews, horror movies and I expect mostly bad ones, feel free to follow me to my next blog. This was a good thing, it just wasn't meant to be. I assure you though, despite the failure of the list I will continue to watch zombie movies, good, bad and undead.

Thanks everybody for reading.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Okay.... so here's the problem about this. I looked at my list and I mean really looked at it. Its faulty. And when I say fault I mean faultier than my internet connection or this site which never let's me on to post (seriously.... I had to confirm my password 4 times before I could get on today... I hate blogger sometimes.) But here's the deal. My zombie movie list has a few movies on there twice under different titles, sometimes under the incorrect title (perhaps a foreign title from before it was dubbed or just the second half of the full title.) and there were three or four movies that I have reviewed that weren't even on the list. Also some of the movies listed well, aren't zombie films. Sure there are the iffy regions like After Sundown, they could have been zombies but they were more likely vampires but it was on the list anyway, and that's one thing. Then there are other movies though.... like The Bunker. That is not in fact a zombie film at all.
Thanks to the list being well, you know, I thought maybe I could just find another list online. I WAS WRONG. The only complete list of every zombie movie that I have found was from wikipedia (which is iffy enough) but it had all the same problems mine did but there were about 5 times as many movies. So I looked at this outrageous number and decided I would consult the only thing I could..... my contract.
Now for those of you who are new on my blog let me give a little refresher course, I signed a contract in February 2010 saying that by the end of January 2011 I would have watched the entire list of zombie movies. So I went back to see the exact wording of it. It said I would watch all 322 zombie movies by February 1st 2011. You see my problem? The list that I signed my contract for was different than the list I started the blog with (which if you remember had 517 movies on it)

This entire blog was built on a crumbling foundation.

So here's the deal, November's almost over and that means I have two months left. I'm going to a different school now and am no longer in contact with the friend that gave me the original list or the people I was going to get a trophy from. I have no way of making a new list that has any accuracy and no way of getting the original list.

What am I going to do?

I am going to leave it up to you guys. Let me first summarize the situation and then I'll give my options, then my email so you can send me your opinions.

Situation: I started this for the prize and realized it was more for the experience than the journey. Well, now I'm not getting a prize and the experience is becoming more stressful than enlightening since I have less time now and no list to cross things off of, I'm seriously doubting whether or not it's worth it.


1) I'm reluctant to say I gave up on the list but I could "resign" my post from this task until further notice (meaning I get a new list or find something else stupid to do). Keep in mind that once I have stopped working on My Year Among the Undead I will be free to do other kind of reviews. I could finally start mt B-Horror movie reviews (which is why I was picked for this in the first place) or do a Free on Netflix review. "resigning" this task would leave me time to do more stuff like that.

2) I could finish out with the movies I have in my Netflix queue and call it quits. That's a majority of the zombie movies as well as a majority of the movies on the list and as far as finishing goes I think it's as close as I'll be able to get.

3) Something else.

4) That's right I didn't really have a third one but if you can think of something else you can send it to me instead of a vote for one of these two things.


Email: Cat_like_thief_182@yahoo.com
Gaia: cat like thief 182
or....: Leave a comment right here on my blog.

Please get back to me with your opinions about my list situation.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Movie Review: Sugar Hill

Okay, well when I first heard about this movie, I got an idea into my head that it would be sort of like Silent Hill. Not because it was based off of a kick ass video game or because it looked good, but because I thought that a town called Sugar Hill was more likely than a person called Sugar Hill. Unfortunately I was wrong about that. As a matter of fact, there was very little I was right about when it comes to this movie, and it was nothing like Silent Hill.

Although they both have characters with terrifying hair.

But now as to what I thought of the movie....
It actually wasn't so bad. I mean, the beginning was terrible but, other than that. It wasn't even sort of what I was expecting and parts of it (like the special effects.......) were terrible. But it was different. I mean, there was a little bit of character development, not as much as one would hope for but a lot more than one usually expects. Now, I am a firm believer that if (when) the zombie apocalypse occurs it will be the Max A. Brooks Solanum virus theory, that's actually extremely believable. However, I watch approximately 30 zombie movies a month about viruses, outbreaks, diseases, plagues...... this was a nice, lesser respected voodoo zombie movie. Sort of refreshing once you got past the terrible dialogue from the beginning.
So the plot, girl's fiancee dies, she uses her family's voodoo traditions to exact revenge on his murderers. Pretty cool. I would eve recommend this one........ maybe.

Sugar Hill, no, still not the review yet.

OKAY, maybe I'm just like, hyper or something because thinking about it, it's really not as bad as most of the movies I sit through without making comments, but I found the name of the movie. The ladies last name is Hill, her dead boyfriend allegedly walked up to her the day they met and said "What's your name?" and she said "Diana Hill" and he said, "Well from now on, I'm gonna call you Sugar, miss Sugar Hill." No, no I'm not kidding. I can't believe I have to watch the rest of this, I'm only like 10 minutes in and it's already terrible.

So, I know I'm supposed to get like a t-shirt and a trophy, but the real question is, will my wonderful sponsors also pay for the therapy I will need by the end of this year? Seriously, it's becoming a concern

Sneak Peek: Sugar Hill

Wow, so I am just finding time to watch it, I'll be back with a full review soon but let me tell you what I've seen so far..... There was an African tribal dance that I think they stole right out of Gory Gory Hallelujah and then it ended and it was like, some sort of show for a bar or a night club or who even knows what the hell it is. And I hope the movie explains it's name, (still has time) because so far the only "sugar" that's been mentioned is the main character's girlfriend. Yeah, that's like his pet name for her, "It's gonna be all right sugar" Seriously? Okay, I just thought I would give you a quick update on that and tell you I'll be back in an hour and a half ( promising movie length, don't you think?) I'll be back......Sugar.

Movie Review: C.H.U.D

I believe that stands for cannibalistic human underground dwellers, but I could be wrong about it. This one was..... well it was terrible, but unlike some of them (meaning unlike Poultrygeist or skeleton key 2) it was an enjoyable kind of bad, sort of like Evil Dead 2.

The beginning, well it was like the epitome of bad movie intros, and it you don't believe me..... please click here. Seriously.

That's all I have for right now, when I get the chance I will be back to you with my Sugar Hill review, I have a bit of other stuff to do first but I'll come back, sign on netflix, watch it, and you will be the first to know how terrible it is.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Review: The Reanimator

Okay, this one was actually pretty amusing. I mean, it was bad, yeah but still, I mean it told a story. Medical research gone too far, I liked it. Was it good, no? Would I recommend it? No. Is it better than Zombies Gone Wild? Yeah, it is. You also have to give it credit for even being made by the same guy who invented Cthulhu. *crickets* What, I can be into other creature features, they don't all have to be zombies. Seriously though, H.P. Lovecraft was a genius..... this was not however his best work.

That's it for the day, check back tomorrow. What I'm going to try and do until I'm caught up is match up, every review of a movie I'm watching with a make up review I wrote down when I didn't have internet. Sound good? Well that's too bad it's how I'm doing it anyway.