Sunday, May 9, 2010

Review: After Sundown

So this movie was.... uh...

Usually I would say something really terrible about it because it was so bad, but after my last few zombie movies I have to say ( sadly ) that I was pleasantly surprised. It wasn't a musical, I haven't seriously considered becoming a vegetarian or thrown up. So, it's better than watching something like, I don't know, Poultrygeist, Skeleton Key 2, Oh My Zombie Mermaid or anything like that.

The truth is thought it wasn't all that zombie like, I mean there were a few zombies in there that you could easily distinguish as being zombies ( too bad I've already made fun of Oh My Zombie Mermaid once today huh...) but for the most part they were vampires. Fangs, blood drinking, stake through the heart, they were better vampires than whatever the hell is in Twilight. There were some zombie aspects though, some brain damage, flesh eating... stumbling on with no motor functions.

I will not go so far as to recommend this movie to anyone, however.

Best Line: "You can't run people over just because they're already dead."

So, I guess I was wrong about the whole Corpses or Dead Clowns review coming next, but I swear I'll get around to it. Happy Mother's day to everybody and check back soon for a review on ( yes I think I mean it this time ) Corpses.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Review: Dead of Night

Okay, so I am fully recovered from Poultrygeist and back to watching zombie movies diligently. I started with Dead of Night.

First I think it was a made for Tv movie but the quality considering that was pretty good. It was broken up into three shorter stories and the first two had no relevance at all. The third one was kind of cool, it was kind of like a Monkey's paw meets psycho thing, but really low budget with bad scripting. A mother resurrects her dead son and when he comes back he tries to kill her. I think the end dragged on a bit though, and I heard the word "mommy" more times in one evening than I think I ever needed to. Other than that thought, it was pretty okay. ( Not going to go so far as to say I would suggest it, but it was fairly decent. It didn't make me not want to eat chicken for three weeks so it's a step up fromt he zombie movie I watched previous to this one. )

You can all be expecting another zombie review from me soon, definitely either Corpses or Dead Clowns. I'm not sure whats coming after that, I guess we'll just have to take it one severed limb at a time.


Saturday, May 1, 2010

Another fun game

After the Poultrygeist incident I am still having some trouble with the zombie movies. I will get back to watching as soon as I....... recover. In the mean time, have yet another zombie link to another fun zombie game that I play.
