Monday, March 29, 2010


Hey everybody.... Sorry that the blogging has been going along so slow. Waiting for movies to come in the mail is a bitch let me tell you. I do however have exciting news. I originally wanted to make this a video blog but lacked in the confidence required to do so. I thought it would be cool if you could listen to my responses while watching the movie. I still am not ready to try a full on video blog but I got a program that will type out my blog while I'm saying it so you can hear my first hand responses to how the movie is going. I figured I'd try some of these blogs and then see if you like them better than the old reviews. Whichever one more people like is the one I'll stick with ( or go back to ). The first DragonZombie blog review I will be posting ( dragonzombie being what I call my new I talk it types method of blogging ) Will be a review to A virgin Among the living dead, which came in the mail today. So in and an hour and a half you will be reading my all new kind of zombie movie review. Wish me and my new program luck.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

20th zombie post.

HEY!!!!! I want everybody to know that this is officially my 20th zombie-blog. Yay. So..... I hope they get new freebies on Netflix soon because I don't like this waiting around for movies to come in in the queue business.... it doesn't suite me. They had a sale at Hollywood video but I didn't make it out there. I am looking up some other zombie culture to integrate into this blog during the slow times like this. I don't want you to think I've forgotten. SO..... let me start by showing you what I do in my free in between Netflix queue time.

Days 2 Die 2.

Click this link and kill some zombies bastards. I'll try to get my hands on some more movie but in the mean time I will try to post links to more fun games like this and also I'll be bringing you reviews on things like books and games and..... music videos. Yes..... zombie music videos. Enjoy the game though.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Movie Review: Graveyard Alive; A zombie Nurse In Love

It was incredible. I have to admit I was kind of worried about it, after all, it was old. It wasn't even in color and, well, the subtitle was A Zombie Nurse in Love. But it was really good.

The zombie mythology was really inaccurate though. It was sort of like a mix between early vampire legends and werewolves. They were referred to as zombies but they could only killed by stabbing something silver into the third eye. Also they were very human like, much more so than the zombies as we know them today, they could stay human as long as they continued to devour the flesh of the living.

It was really good, I would recommend it to anyone. It wasn't really very graphic and there was very minimal nudity, especially considering the sexual appetite that the zombie nurse had. So try and get your hands on a copy.

While you wait for the Graveyard Alive review...

Click this Link and thank me later. Yes, this does relate to zombies.

Blood Red

Review: Evil Dead 2

So, I rewatched Evil Dead 2 when i was a little less tired and could remember it better. It was kind of terrible. I'm not going to lie. I mean, like when the dancer girlfriend dies and she's dancing as a zombie and they cut off the head but the body comes in with a chainsaw, I mean what was that? Or the part where he's attacking himself because only his left hand has become a zombie? I just..... I don't understand.

Watching Graveyard Alive right now, I know this is a review you've all been waiting for and it'll be up in about an hour and a half, so keep a look out. Oh, and btw it should be good this chicks boyfriend just bit her.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Back from dead and back online.

Sorry about the recent failure to update this blog, there have been many factors. None of them however have meant I have forgotten, or even been slacking. Here are some of my excuses for this.
a) I've been sick. While this does give me more down-time with which to watch movies, it gives me less computer time for which to blog about those movies..
b) I am running out of zombie movies that I get on Netflix that I can stream instantly that are on the list and I would like to save my " extra credit " if you will, for after the list is taken care of. In addition to that I would like to save the remaining zombie freebies for Spring and Summer vacations when I have more time. This means I have to wait for them to come in the mail, which is taking a while.
c) I have had a lot of school work, and while I would put this list and this blog both above school any day my parents would not, and they are the ones who control how many mvies I'm allowed to get in through the mail, so failing out of high school would not be in my best interest right now.
d) I got a new guitar, and although it may be sad to admit it to the public ( meaning people who read this blog) guitar is one of the few things that actually comes above this list.

So, those are some of the reasons I haven't been updating. However, just because I haven't been updating the blog doesn't mean I haven't been working on the list. On the contrary, I feel quite productive. In addition to ordering a few zombie books to add more culture to this blog, I have also watched some zombie movies ( including though not limited to Meat Markets 1 and 2, Evil Dead 2, Zombie wars and a few others).

Now that I have brought you up to date on this I would now care to share with you the great news that came in the mail today. I just received a copy of Graveyard Alive: A zombie nurse in love. I am going to watch Evil Dead right now ( as a refresher before posting the review ) and after posting reviews for that and the sequel. I will be watching it. i have been looking forward to this one, I think it's pretty obvious as to why.

So with hat I bid you farewell, and will see you again in a bit. Until next time,