Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Okay, well, the result are in. I am hereby resigning the zombie list. I will still be doing reviews, horror movies and I expect mostly bad ones, feel free to follow me to my next blog. This was a good thing, it just wasn't meant to be. I assure you though, despite the failure of the list I will continue to watch zombie movies, good, bad and undead.

Thanks everybody for reading.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Okay.... so here's the problem about this. I looked at my list and I mean really looked at it. Its faulty. And when I say fault I mean faultier than my internet connection or this site which never let's me on to post (seriously.... I had to confirm my password 4 times before I could get on today... I hate blogger sometimes.) But here's the deal. My zombie movie list has a few movies on there twice under different titles, sometimes under the incorrect title (perhaps a foreign title from before it was dubbed or just the second half of the full title.) and there were three or four movies that I have reviewed that weren't even on the list. Also some of the movies listed well, aren't zombie films. Sure there are the iffy regions like After Sundown, they could have been zombies but they were more likely vampires but it was on the list anyway, and that's one thing. Then there are other movies though.... like The Bunker. That is not in fact a zombie film at all.
Thanks to the list being well, you know, I thought maybe I could just find another list online. I WAS WRONG. The only complete list of every zombie movie that I have found was from wikipedia (which is iffy enough) but it had all the same problems mine did but there were about 5 times as many movies. So I looked at this outrageous number and decided I would consult the only thing I could..... my contract.
Now for those of you who are new on my blog let me give a little refresher course, I signed a contract in February 2010 saying that by the end of January 2011 I would have watched the entire list of zombie movies. So I went back to see the exact wording of it. It said I would watch all 322 zombie movies by February 1st 2011. You see my problem? The list that I signed my contract for was different than the list I started the blog with (which if you remember had 517 movies on it)

This entire blog was built on a crumbling foundation.

So here's the deal, November's almost over and that means I have two months left. I'm going to a different school now and am no longer in contact with the friend that gave me the original list or the people I was going to get a trophy from. I have no way of making a new list that has any accuracy and no way of getting the original list.

What am I going to do?

I am going to leave it up to you guys. Let me first summarize the situation and then I'll give my options, then my email so you can send me your opinions.

Situation: I started this for the prize and realized it was more for the experience than the journey. Well, now I'm not getting a prize and the experience is becoming more stressful than enlightening since I have less time now and no list to cross things off of, I'm seriously doubting whether or not it's worth it.


1) I'm reluctant to say I gave up on the list but I could "resign" my post from this task until further notice (meaning I get a new list or find something else stupid to do). Keep in mind that once I have stopped working on My Year Among the Undead I will be free to do other kind of reviews. I could finally start mt B-Horror movie reviews (which is why I was picked for this in the first place) or do a Free on Netflix review. "resigning" this task would leave me time to do more stuff like that.

2) I could finish out with the movies I have in my Netflix queue and call it quits. That's a majority of the zombie movies as well as a majority of the movies on the list and as far as finishing goes I think it's as close as I'll be able to get.

3) Something else.

4) That's right I didn't really have a third one but if you can think of something else you can send it to me instead of a vote for one of these two things.


Email: Cat_like_thief_182@yahoo.com
Gaia: cat like thief 182
or....: Leave a comment right here on my blog.

Please get back to me with your opinions about my list situation.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Movie Review: Sugar Hill

Okay, well when I first heard about this movie, I got an idea into my head that it would be sort of like Silent Hill. Not because it was based off of a kick ass video game or because it looked good, but because I thought that a town called Sugar Hill was more likely than a person called Sugar Hill. Unfortunately I was wrong about that. As a matter of fact, there was very little I was right about when it comes to this movie, and it was nothing like Silent Hill.

Although they both have characters with terrifying hair.

But now as to what I thought of the movie....
It actually wasn't so bad. I mean, the beginning was terrible but, other than that. It wasn't even sort of what I was expecting and parts of it (like the special effects.......) were terrible. But it was different. I mean, there was a little bit of character development, not as much as one would hope for but a lot more than one usually expects. Now, I am a firm believer that if (when) the zombie apocalypse occurs it will be the Max A. Brooks Solanum virus theory, that's actually extremely believable. However, I watch approximately 30 zombie movies a month about viruses, outbreaks, diseases, plagues...... this was a nice, lesser respected voodoo zombie movie. Sort of refreshing once you got past the terrible dialogue from the beginning.
So the plot, girl's fiancee dies, she uses her family's voodoo traditions to exact revenge on his murderers. Pretty cool. I would eve recommend this one........ maybe.

Sugar Hill, no, still not the review yet.

OKAY, maybe I'm just like, hyper or something because thinking about it, it's really not as bad as most of the movies I sit through without making comments, but I found the name of the movie. The ladies last name is Hill, her dead boyfriend allegedly walked up to her the day they met and said "What's your name?" and she said "Diana Hill" and he said, "Well from now on, I'm gonna call you Sugar, miss Sugar Hill." No, no I'm not kidding. I can't believe I have to watch the rest of this, I'm only like 10 minutes in and it's already terrible.

So, I know I'm supposed to get like a t-shirt and a trophy, but the real question is, will my wonderful sponsors also pay for the therapy I will need by the end of this year? Seriously, it's becoming a concern

Sneak Peek: Sugar Hill

Wow, so I am just finding time to watch it, I'll be back with a full review soon but let me tell you what I've seen so far..... There was an African tribal dance that I think they stole right out of Gory Gory Hallelujah and then it ended and it was like, some sort of show for a bar or a night club or who even knows what the hell it is. And I hope the movie explains it's name, (still has time) because so far the only "sugar" that's been mentioned is the main character's girlfriend. Yeah, that's like his pet name for her, "It's gonna be all right sugar" Seriously? Okay, I just thought I would give you a quick update on that and tell you I'll be back in an hour and a half ( promising movie length, don't you think?) I'll be back......Sugar.

Movie Review: C.H.U.D

I believe that stands for cannibalistic human underground dwellers, but I could be wrong about it. This one was..... well it was terrible, but unlike some of them (meaning unlike Poultrygeist or skeleton key 2) it was an enjoyable kind of bad, sort of like Evil Dead 2.

The beginning, well it was like the epitome of bad movie intros, and it you don't believe me..... please click here. Seriously.

That's all I have for right now, when I get the chance I will be back to you with my Sugar Hill review, I have a bit of other stuff to do first but I'll come back, sign on netflix, watch it, and you will be the first to know how terrible it is.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Review: The Reanimator

Okay, this one was actually pretty amusing. I mean, it was bad, yeah but still, I mean it told a story. Medical research gone too far, I liked it. Was it good, no? Would I recommend it? No. Is it better than Zombies Gone Wild? Yeah, it is. You also have to give it credit for even being made by the same guy who invented Cthulhu. *crickets* What, I can be into other creature features, they don't all have to be zombies. Seriously though, H.P. Lovecraft was a genius..... this was not however his best work.

That's it for the day, check back tomorrow. What I'm going to try and do until I'm caught up is match up, every review of a movie I'm watching with a make up review I wrote down when I didn't have internet. Sound good? Well that's too bad it's how I'm doing it anyway.

Review: Beneath Still Waters

To tell you the truth, I don't even know what to tell you about this one. Is it because I didn't watch it? No, it's because I watched it and failed to see any kind of a story in it. All of the usual things I say about these movies, I tell you a little bit about the plot, the characters, any really funny moments and there was nothing. I was taking note on this movie so I would have something to tell you about it in the review and still I don't know a single persons name. It was really that bad. Please, please don't ever watch this movie. Was it even a zombie movie? No. I think it was some sort of weird cult thing, dark magic maybe but a zombie thing, no. Terrible, absolutely terrible.


Wow, I haven't been on in forever, I've been so, so busy. My zombies though are far from forgotten. Still I'm only getting them as fast as what they can come in the mail but, I have also been watching as many full length ones as I can get from Youtube AND guess what? Netflix just recently switched around movies that they have for free so my progress is actually about to speed up. My internet is fixed so you can be expecting posts regularly. I also have two reviews for you to day, I have been writing them even though I haven't been posting them, so we, dear readers, have a lot of work to do, a lot of movies to catch up on. So, be sure to read the next blog. (enclosed is a list of new movies I don't have to wait for)

City of the Living Dead
The Dead Hate the Living
Edge of Darkness
Sugar Hill

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Router Crash

Wow, it's like the heavens are wanting my not to write this blog. I post on here I'm going to try to update this more regularly and then my house computer crashes. No problem, I can just use my laptop. Well then I got a job house sitting for a friend of my moms, no wireless connection. So then I get home and it's like a can get on now, nothing preventing me from blogging today right? Wrong. Now our wireless router has crashed and only one person can be online at a time. Can you believe it?
Fortunately it's my turn with the internet and I am using the time not to explain to my gaming friends why I'm never on anymore but to tell you about my latest Zombie endeavors.

So, since I no longer have limited internet access I have started writing reviews down on paper as I watch the movie and can type them out later, so I can post like 6 or 7 blogs every time I get internet, not the way I would like for this to work, but certainly better than not posting at all.

Okay, so an update on the last week of zombie activity. I have blogs written up for the ReAnimator, Corpses, I Eat Your Skin and C.H.U.D., I have a list of back up reviews I need to post and in the Netflix Queue I have just gotten in Zombies on Broadway and I Was A Zombie For The FBI.

I will be back on ASAP with my reviews, so sorry for yet another inconvenience.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Movie Review: Zombies Gone Wild

I know I've been promising lately to start up the reviews again and that I'd been watching movies to review for you, but instead of posting one of my back up reviews I'm going to be a new review for a movie I just watched.

Now, Zombie Gone Wild was inappropriate, immature and frankly I wouldn't recommend it to my worst enemy ( actually, I might. My worst enemy was a fan of zombie strippers and may actually appreciate this as a piece of good cinematography, which btw it was not.)

Let's start with the plotline. 3 (teenage?) boys are at home jacking off with each other and one of them decides it would be great to make a zombie movie, so they head out and stumble across "real zombies" who are sexy ( and some mentally retarded) females with next to no morals who are throwing a party. At the party the females turn into zombies and start a blood bath. Then the movie get's interrupted by the hair guy and the actress playing the leading zombie finds out the leading male got paid 200 bucks while she got paid nothing and she stormed off angrily, cutting the movie short, (unfortunately not short enough.).

Character development? There was none. I just finished watching the movie 10 minutes ago and I couldn't even tell you a single persons name from it.

Zombie Accuracy: Other than getting the dead, gooey part right there was none. Zombies are walking dead, not kung fu fighting dead, not sex robots by day gross clown looking things by night then the next morning dead, really, the only similarity between this and an actual zombie was the eating of human flesh.

Now let's talk about where this movie falls in comparison to some of the others I've seen by the classic technique of a pros and cons list.

Pros: There were actually zombies in this one (which is more than I can say for Gory Gory Hallelujah). There were more zombies than what I can count on one hand ( which is more than I can say for either Skeleton Key 2 or Oh! My Zombie Mermaid). It didn't make me want to be a vegetarian ( like Poultrygiest: Night of the Chicken Dead) and I didn't fall asleep and have to finish the next morning (Beneath Still Waters). Also, for a movie that I'm assuming had no budget, the shooting of zombies was a little better than I would have expected it to be. Oh, and minimal nudity (And even some of my favorite zombie movies had to show a naked girl from a full frontal angle even when it was completely unnecessary like Zombieland.)

Cons: The special effects were extremely inconsistent and never very good, I'd say they ranged from almost decent to nonexistent. It was 110 minutes long. It easily could have been an 80 or 90 minute film and less of my time would be wasted right now. They used a red apple to be a guys intestines at one point, you could hear the zombie crunching it. There was no plot, it wasn't funny or clever, it had no point and I feel less intelligent just for watching it.

So, should you watch it? No, not if you value your brain cells.

And, my dear zombie followers, I know the blog has been going slowly lately, but if you ever doubt my loyalty to you, this blog, or this project, remember: I got home at 1:15 this morning and watched Zombies Gone Wild so that it could be in the mail by tomorrow and Hot Wax Zombies On Wheels can be on it's way, and then, even though I'm extremely tired, I came to post this blog, to give you the latest zombie news update, at 3:30 in the morning. What can I say, I love you guys.

Until next time, maybe I'll have a review from earlier or maybe another movie will have come in the mail, but remember, I'm here working round the clock for your brains..... i mean minds. Lol, jk. Seriously though, I'm a working stiff.

Monday, July 26, 2010


Okay... let me first start by apologizing about forgetting I did this blog yet again. Still, haven't forgotten about the zombie movies, get them in the mail every week, haven't forgotten about the list, I check stuff off every week, I just forget to write about it later. Sorry.

However, I have been recently involved in a little bit of zombie culture that I feel will interest you and maybe make up for my extreme laziness. I watched the Zombie Walk, which this year in Sacramento and invaded the second saturday art exhibit. Epicness, someone went as a bride and groom zombie. This walk was for zombie-fanatics to kick off the zombie movie festival, starting with Evil Dead 2.

will make up the reviews later...... I promise-ish.

Friday, July 2, 2010

I have not been online as much (or at all) lately for those of you who haven't noticed. I have been busy with a great deal of things, ( gaming olympics, finishing school, knitting a baby blanket for Lillyana....etc.) . I know I haven't posted any reviews lately, and it may still be a while before I do. But you don't care about that, ( I'm sure you also don't care that the reason I won't be posting for a while is because I'm on vacation and left my list of movies at home) what you do care about it one simple question: Have I stopped watching the zombie movies? The answer is no, and without the time it's been taking me to do the reviews I've actually been watching more zombie movies. I will give you a better update as soon as I relocate my list, but I wanted to let you know I'm still working harder than ever on the list, because this is my year Among the undead.

I also wanted to let you know that Google ( who is one of the sponsers of this blog) is wanting me to switch this blogger account over to my other one and I am waiting to do so until the end of the year, just for you. You will being hearing back from me soon, with make up reviews for the past few months.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Review: After Sundown

So this movie was.... uh...

Usually I would say something really terrible about it because it was so bad, but after my last few zombie movies I have to say ( sadly ) that I was pleasantly surprised. It wasn't a musical, I haven't seriously considered becoming a vegetarian or thrown up. So, it's better than watching something like, I don't know, Poultrygeist, Skeleton Key 2, Oh My Zombie Mermaid or anything like that.

The truth is thought it wasn't all that zombie like, I mean there were a few zombies in there that you could easily distinguish as being zombies ( too bad I've already made fun of Oh My Zombie Mermaid once today huh...) but for the most part they were vampires. Fangs, blood drinking, stake through the heart, they were better vampires than whatever the hell is in Twilight. There were some zombie aspects though, some brain damage, flesh eating... stumbling on with no motor functions.

I will not go so far as to recommend this movie to anyone, however.

Best Line: "You can't run people over just because they're already dead."

So, I guess I was wrong about the whole Corpses or Dead Clowns review coming next, but I swear I'll get around to it. Happy Mother's day to everybody and check back soon for a review on ( yes I think I mean it this time ) Corpses.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Review: Dead of Night

Okay, so I am fully recovered from Poultrygeist and back to watching zombie movies diligently. I started with Dead of Night.

First I think it was a made for Tv movie but the quality considering that was pretty good. It was broken up into three shorter stories and the first two had no relevance at all. The third one was kind of cool, it was kind of like a Monkey's paw meets psycho thing, but really low budget with bad scripting. A mother resurrects her dead son and when he comes back he tries to kill her. I think the end dragged on a bit though, and I heard the word "mommy" more times in one evening than I think I ever needed to. Other than that thought, it was pretty okay. ( Not going to go so far as to say I would suggest it, but it was fairly decent. It didn't make me not want to eat chicken for three weeks so it's a step up fromt he zombie movie I watched previous to this one. )

You can all be expecting another zombie review from me soon, definitely either Corpses or Dead Clowns. I'm not sure whats coming after that, I guess we'll just have to take it one severed limb at a time.


Saturday, May 1, 2010

Another fun game

After the Poultrygeist incident I am still having some trouble with the zombie movies. I will get back to watching as soon as I....... recover. In the mean time, have yet another zombie link to another fun zombie game that I play.


Sunday, April 18, 2010

Watching Rec.

Apparently I can't upload things from Dragon to here so.... that's what happened with the Virgin Among The Living Dead review. Right now I am watching the Spanish version of Quarantine, Rec. Thought you would like an update. So I pretty much already have seen this, I know what's going to happen but I will tell you how this version compares at least. Thought you's like to know. I also watched Poultrygiest and as soon as I feel comfortable enough to relive that enough to write a review about it you can expect one. I want you to know. Let me tell you right now not to watch it, it was terrifying and not in a good creepy way, in a it's been almost a week and I still have not eaten chicken again. So please, just trust me on this.

Monday, March 29, 2010


Hey everybody.... Sorry that the blogging has been going along so slow. Waiting for movies to come in the mail is a bitch let me tell you. I do however have exciting news. I originally wanted to make this a video blog but lacked in the confidence required to do so. I thought it would be cool if you could listen to my responses while watching the movie. I still am not ready to try a full on video blog but I got a program that will type out my blog while I'm saying it so you can hear my first hand responses to how the movie is going. I figured I'd try some of these blogs and then see if you like them better than the old reviews. Whichever one more people like is the one I'll stick with ( or go back to ). The first DragonZombie blog review I will be posting ( dragonzombie being what I call my new I talk it types method of blogging ) Will be a review to A virgin Among the living dead, which came in the mail today. So in and an hour and a half you will be reading my all new kind of zombie movie review. Wish me and my new program luck.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

20th zombie post.

HEY!!!!! I want everybody to know that this is officially my 20th zombie-blog. Yay. So..... I hope they get new freebies on Netflix soon because I don't like this waiting around for movies to come in in the queue business.... it doesn't suite me. They had a sale at Hollywood video but I didn't make it out there. I am looking up some other zombie culture to integrate into this blog during the slow times like this. I don't want you to think I've forgotten. SO..... let me start by showing you what I do in my free in between Netflix queue time.

Days 2 Die 2.

Click this link and kill some zombies bastards. I'll try to get my hands on some more movie but in the mean time I will try to post links to more fun games like this and also I'll be bringing you reviews on things like books and games and..... music videos. Yes..... zombie music videos. Enjoy the game though.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Movie Review: Graveyard Alive; A zombie Nurse In Love

It was incredible. I have to admit I was kind of worried about it, after all, it was old. It wasn't even in color and, well, the subtitle was A Zombie Nurse in Love. But it was really good.

The zombie mythology was really inaccurate though. It was sort of like a mix between early vampire legends and werewolves. They were referred to as zombies but they could only killed by stabbing something silver into the third eye. Also they were very human like, much more so than the zombies as we know them today, they could stay human as long as they continued to devour the flesh of the living.

It was really good, I would recommend it to anyone. It wasn't really very graphic and there was very minimal nudity, especially considering the sexual appetite that the zombie nurse had. So try and get your hands on a copy.

While you wait for the Graveyard Alive review...

Click this Link and thank me later. Yes, this does relate to zombies.

Blood Red

Review: Evil Dead 2

So, I rewatched Evil Dead 2 when i was a little less tired and could remember it better. It was kind of terrible. I'm not going to lie. I mean, like when the dancer girlfriend dies and she's dancing as a zombie and they cut off the head but the body comes in with a chainsaw, I mean what was that? Or the part where he's attacking himself because only his left hand has become a zombie? I just..... I don't understand.

Watching Graveyard Alive right now, I know this is a review you've all been waiting for and it'll be up in about an hour and a half, so keep a look out. Oh, and btw it should be good this chicks boyfriend just bit her.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Back from dead and back online.

Sorry about the recent failure to update this blog, there have been many factors. None of them however have meant I have forgotten, or even been slacking. Here are some of my excuses for this.
a) I've been sick. While this does give me more down-time with which to watch movies, it gives me less computer time for which to blog about those movies..
b) I am running out of zombie movies that I get on Netflix that I can stream instantly that are on the list and I would like to save my " extra credit " if you will, for after the list is taken care of. In addition to that I would like to save the remaining zombie freebies for Spring and Summer vacations when I have more time. This means I have to wait for them to come in the mail, which is taking a while.
c) I have had a lot of school work, and while I would put this list and this blog both above school any day my parents would not, and they are the ones who control how many mvies I'm allowed to get in through the mail, so failing out of high school would not be in my best interest right now.
d) I got a new guitar, and although it may be sad to admit it to the public ( meaning people who read this blog) guitar is one of the few things that actually comes above this list.

So, those are some of the reasons I haven't been updating. However, just because I haven't been updating the blog doesn't mean I haven't been working on the list. On the contrary, I feel quite productive. In addition to ordering a few zombie books to add more culture to this blog, I have also watched some zombie movies ( including though not limited to Meat Markets 1 and 2, Evil Dead 2, Zombie wars and a few others).

Now that I have brought you up to date on this I would now care to share with you the great news that came in the mail today. I just received a copy of Graveyard Alive: A zombie nurse in love. I am going to watch Evil Dead right now ( as a refresher before posting the review ) and after posting reviews for that and the sequel. I will be watching it. i have been looking forward to this one, I think it's pretty obvious as to why.

So with hat I bid you farewell, and will see you again in a bit. Until next time,

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

OMGz ( Oh my german zombies): Dead Snow review

Okay. Dead snow was the single bast foreign zombie movie I have ever seen. Dead snow might have been the single best foreign film I've ever seen. That was so incredible.

Okay, so, this movie I heard about in Fangoria back in mid 2009. I could not wait. This and Zombieland were like the only two zombie movies I was looking forward before I started this list. And I was right on both counts.

Plot: A group of med students are going on vacation to a cabin, they're going to have like, a ski weekend. The one who owns the cabin is going to meet them there. They get there and are there for about a day when a creepy old guy barges in and demands free coffee. So they give it to him and after declaring how bad it is tells them that back in WWII there were this group of Nazi's that got away from an angry mob that had been mistreated. The evil from those Nazi's had manifested by the cabin and to be careful. Then he leaves. Then it's another hour of Zombie Nazi fun.

There was one character I really like SPOILER: He dies. Then fat one dies. But he is this huge movie nerd and I'll come to why I like him in just a minute.

Now, if you plan on watching this movie and would like to be surprised, then don't read this but for those of you who have no intentions of watching it, I put together a top 5 moments for you, and a few honorable mentions. They go in order they appear in the movie, not in order of how much I like them..

1. As the people are walking up to the cabin they begin to make fun of how many bad horror movies start with a group of students out by themselves in a cabin in the middle of nowhere ( topic brought up by the movie nerd, oh yeah )

2. The homage to the rules from Scream (for those of you that haven't seen it, it's a total classic, a must see, but I'll fill you in. No sex, no drugs, no saying "I'll be back." ) The movie nerd says " I'll be back." And true to the rules of a good horror film, he dies. Also, he has sex, and the girl he did it with also dies.

3. The moment when a character has an epic "throwing the Molotov cocktail at the zombies scene." He misses the window, catches the cabin on fire.

4. One of the med students get's bitten and sews the gaping flesh of his neck back together, without looking. After doing this, he applies duct tape to the wound. That had to hurt. I'm glad we didn't see him have to take that off....

5. The theory that because these zombies happen to be Nazis that if they bite you and you're part Jewish, you can't become one of them because they won't want you.

~Honorable Mentions~

~Where the one girl breaks the port-a-potty and falls right in to a pit of fecal matter.

~ Where a guy stabs a zombie through the head and guts rain down on the guy trapped beneath him

~A guy uses a frozen arm he finds in the snow to defend himself against a zombie. He throws it and upon impact it shatters.

~ A guys get's tied to a tree with his own intestines.

And finally ~ A guys gets bit, realizes it could turn him into a zombie, takes a chainsaw, amputates his own arm, cauterizes it, and takes one step forward to be bitten on the leg from a zombie who comes from the ground, sort of like the shark in jaws, but from the snow instead of water.

Okay, I would definitely recommend this movie to anyone.... unless you get sick really, really, really easily. It was epic!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I give it five brains ( out of five)

See you next time for a movie that probably won't be as good,

OMZ!!!!!!! ( oh my zombie )

Cold Snow is available for free on Netflix. I have been dying to see this forever and now I'm going to go watch it. This will be the first zombie Nazi movie that get's crossed off the list. WIsh me luck everybody!!!!

Sunday, February 21, 2010


I did not get to watch a zombie movie today, which is not to say I didn't get any work done on the list. I put every zombie movie netflix has to offer in the queue and I also made an instant queue for my freebies. Soon, after I have done a little more research I'll post list of zombie movies that I need help finding. But in the meantimes, stay tuned for more exciting zombie news.


I'm sorry. I realize I haven't posted a new blog in a while. I was doing a little zombie soul searching if you will.

Recently I watched the worst movie of my life and I was willing to do so for this list, I'm sure you remember reading my review for it ( skeleton key 2 ) Then I found out, it wasn't even on my list. At first I was outraged, then devestated, and then I thought about asking my sponsors if I could cross a movie off the list in it's place. Then I thought about just giving up.

So I dug out my very official contract ( a note I wrote with a bic pen on the first oage of my planner and then signed and it said..... " By the end of this year, ( February 1st, 2011 ) I will have watched all 371 zombie movies." I got the number 317 from Abe, who had printed out a list from wikipedia.

Here's the thing, I signed on to watch all the movies from that list, all 371 of them, in order to get the zombie trophy and the zombie movie hunters badge. But by the time I printed out my own copy of the list, there were over 500 movies. I realized that there are even more out there, and that to get my trophy all I needed to do was copy out Abe's list. That would cut off about 200 movies. I was going to ask to borrow that list when I got back into school this monday, I have always been a procrastinator and an under achiever, why do more than I really have to.

So my plan, was going to be to go in and ask for that list, but then I realized something. When I printed out that list, i knew there more movies then what Abe had had. I could see that. But I did it anyway. This isn't about a zombie trophy or a badge, this is about seeing every zombie movie ever made by the end of this year. So, there's a chance I might not make it, I'll be half surprised if I do, there's a chance that by the end of the year, all my sponsors will have forgotten and I won't get a damn thing. But it was never about that to begin with. It's a journey of self discovery and zombies. This is for me. And you, faithful readers. So, I'm going to do all the movies on my list, Abe's list, the short film section, all the gray area zombies and when I find zombie movies that weren't on either list, you'd better be damn sure I'm going to watch them
anyway and write a review on this blog. Because this isn't about rewards, it's about my year among the undead.

So, in conclusion instead of going to winter formal, I stayed home and watched Let's Scare Jessica To Death. And for me, that's more worthy to blog about anyway.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Review: Warriors of Terra

This movie had little to do with zombies. Really it had little to do with anything. It was terrible. I would tell you a little about the plot, but I'm actually kind of confused by it. So instead I'm going to give you extra pictures from it instead Sound like a deal? Here you go.

It's safe to say I don't recommend it.

I was planning on watching a zombie nurse in love today, what with the depressing holiday, I mean, after all, there is only one valentines day in my zombie year. But instead I'm going to do a rewatch. My parents haven't seen zombieland yet and I got it for Valentines day so, I'll try to get a second movie in today though, Zombie nurse in love hasn't come in yet, so I'll probably just do a freebie.

Let you know how it goes though.

Love, ( eat my flesh )

Friday, February 12, 2010

What I would look like as a zombie

Netflix is being slow so in the meantime..... this is what I would look like if I were a zombie. Sorry about the lag time, blame netflix not me.

Kentucky Fried Zombie Blog

Look at this icon I found!!!!!

Well I'm about to watch some zombie movies, I'm thinking like dead gangs or undead or alive. Hang on for pics of the Zombie movie hunter badge. Thought though you would enjoy this icon.

I found a bunch of movies that aren't even on the list, a lot of which I've seen so I'll probably be posting yet another edited list soon. But anyway.....

I also am reading more zombie fiction. It's really affecting my life... a lot.

Anyway.... I'll be back on later with some movie reviews.


Thursday, February 11, 2010

Movie Review: Skeleton Key 2

This quickly in my search I have found the worst movie in the world. I am not ashamed to say this. And i have seen some pretty terrible movies too. Skeleton Key 2 was worse than Twilight, Dumpster Baby, Planet of the Apes, and Tideland. I mean it, it was really terrible. That is going to be the hardest movie to watch, and I already have it out of the way.

So, where do I start, describing this 2 hours of torture? Well, let's start with the plot. There was none. Special effects? Red paint? The costumes? Actually, some of the costumes were pretty decent. Of course, you know, they had a pirate in the movie for no reason, I think mostly because they had a pirate costume and were like " yeah, let's throw that in there." There were a lot of sex scenes, and I found myself wondering if this was a zombie movie or a low quality porno. Answer? It was both, but not with very many zombies. The zombies, btw, were just regular people with blue paint on their face.

Also there were like, 6, random song interludes, none of them had anything to do with anything. One was a parody of puttin'' on the ritz about taking a shit.

Pleas, for the love of all that is unholy, do not ever, ever, ever think it is a good idea to watch this movie. Don't ever think it's a bad idea and watch it anyway.


Now, I could give you a spoiler to this movie, but they do that in the movie. About halfway through a man in a tux comes on and tells you how it ends. So instead, I will tell you the only good things about this movie, there are three.

1. The subtitle: 667, neighbor of the beast
2. The part where the man gets a VHS message in the mail and says " I can't play this" then immediately is greeted by the same thing on DVD
3. It ended, eventually..

Sorry, I don't have a picture of this one for you, I'm not on my home computer right now. You wouldn't want to see it anyway.

Here are some things that made Twilight better than this movie.

Twilight was about half an hour shorter
Twilight still had bad special effects, but there were less of them
There were no random musical parodies
The sound track was better
There is a drinking game for Twilight
An ex Grey's anatomy character was in Twilight
You know the actors and can make fun of them easier
Bella gets run over by a car
There were no cowboy hats ( at least not that many of them )
The sex scenes weren't as graphic.
It was easier to pretend there was a plot
There were no vampires in twilight. ( yes, skeleton key 2 had better vampires )
You could understand the things you wish you weren't hearing in twilight.
There were no toilet jokes in twilight.
There was no robot in twilight that was a very very poor plot decision and is only there for the last 10 minutes of the movie. ( credits included in this time)

So, please. DOn't watch this movie.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Movie Review: Oh! My zombie mermaid.

Yes, it finally came. Oh! My zombie mermaid is finally here. And I watched it. It was the single most amazing zombie mermaid film, that I have ever been lucky enough to witness. There was some ridiculous zombie mermaidness.

Truth be told it was less like a zombie movie and more like..... A kung fu movie. I think it was supposed to be like 25% zombie, 25% mermaid and 50% wrestling. They pretty much ended up with a mermaid and a zombie tied in poorly to a kung fu movie. Still though, it was pretty amazing. And it counted for the list which is what matters most, this list comes before all else. This is my new life.

Anyway, back to zombie mermaids.

So, the storyline was a little confusing, and it didn't help that the movie was in japanese, but here's what I think happened. There's a wrestler and his wife really wants him to build her a house, but he never does. Then there's his explosion and his wife is admitted to the hospital with severe burns. They drug her with a mermaid drug that turns her into a fish woman. Then she ODs and becomes like.. well a zombie. So the wrestler gets himself into a bunch of debt building her a house like she wanted so that she knows he loves her. Then out of like nowhere these television producers pay for the house but they own the rights for it because it was there money, and then they tape him getting in huge deathmatch tournament for the house, while in the house.

It was pretty weird. There were a lot of weird fighting sequences and I would recommend this movie to anyone, with an odd sense of humor that is. Here is a movie poster.

Also, I couldn't get the video to upload to the site but here is a link for a movie trailer for oh my zombie mermaid. that puts me at 41 movies,. I expect progress will start getting better, movies are starting to show up in my mailbox.


enjoy! And wish me luck on another undead adventure.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Okay, I'm really sorry. Zombie progress this week has been slowed because we're throwing like this huge party at my house today..... I certainly hope it doesn't turn into a zombie massacre.. I had to clean thursday and then i had to go out shopping yesterday, so I'm sorry that I've really fallen behind on that. But I have until 5 to finish getting my room picked up and then watch another one. The I'm gong to have people over, some of which will probably be spending the night, but I'll make them watch one too. I'm pretty determined to get two movies in today and at least three tomorrow to make up for being so far behind because of this party. So, wish me luck everybody, I have a lot of things to do, starting with breakfast. I was thinking maybe.... brains?

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


okay, so here's the deal. I would like to have reviews for all the zombie movies, but I find myself having not that much time to really go back and review the 38 from previous viewings individually SO, this is how we're going to deal with it.

I am going to list the movies and simply put yes or no to whether or not I would suggest it. If you having any movies you would like me to write a little more information about, email me or comment on the blog. Thanks, here you go.

28 days later yes
28 weeks later yes
American Zombie no
Army of Darkness no
Army of the Dead no
Bachelor Party in the Bungalow of the Damned of course
Beneath Still Waters not so much
Boy Eats Girl Hell Yes!
Children of the Living Dead no
Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things no
Dawn of the Living Dead yes
Dawn of the Living Dead yes again
Day of the Dead yes
Dead and Breakfast Yeah.....
The Descent It's okay
Devil's Playground no
Diary of the Dead yes
The Evil Dead have to see it, it's a classic
Flight of the Living Dead yes
I am Legend yes
Land of the Dead YES!!!
Let's Scare Jessica to Death eh....
Mulberry Street no
Night of the Living Dead classic, yeah
Night of the Living Dead ditto
Ozone not if your life depended on it
Pet Sematary yeah
Pet Sematary 2 no
Planet Terror who wouldn't want to see Rose McGowan with a machine gun as a leg?
Resident Evil no
Resident Evil: Apocalypse no
Resident Evil: Extinction still no
Resident Evil: Degeneration no again
Scooby Doo on Zombie Island YES!!!! ( so scary)
The Serpent and the Rainbow yeah
Shaun of the Dead WATCH IT NOW!!!!!
Slither How was this even a zombie movie?
Undead no
White Zombie have to see it, it's a classic
Wicked Little Things yes
Zombieland HELL YEAH!!!!

I think that's all of them.

Top 3:
Land of the Dead
Shaun of the Dead

Have some pics