Truth be told it was less like a zombie movie and more like..... A kung fu movie. I think it was supposed to be like 25% zombie, 25% mermaid and 50% wrestling. They pretty much ended up with a mermaid and a zombie tied in poorly to a kung fu movie. Still though, it was pretty amazing. And it counted for the list which is what matters most, this list comes before all else. This is my new life.
Anyway, back to zombie mermaids.
So, the storyline was a little confusing, and it didn't help that the movie was in japanese, but here's what I think happened. There's a wrestler and his wife really wants him to build her a house, but he never does. Then there's his explosion and his wife is admitted to the hospital with severe burns. They drug her with a mermaid drug that turns her into a fish woman. Then she ODs and becomes like.. well a zombie. So the wrestler gets himself into a bunch of debt building her a house like she wanted so that she knows he loves her. Then out of like nowhere these television producers pay for the house but they own the rights for it because it was there money, and then they tape him getting in huge deathmatch tournament for the house, while in the house.
It was pretty weird. There were a lot of weird fighting sequences and I would recommend this movie to anyone, with an odd sense of humor that is. Here is a movie poster.

Also, I couldn't get the video to upload to the site but here is a link for a movie trailer for oh my zombie mermaid. that puts me at 41 movies,. I expect progress will start getting better, movies are starting to show up in my mailbox.
enjoy! And wish me luck on another undead adventure.
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