Monday, February 1, 2010


I used t be just your average horror movie enthusiast, but today, I set upon a great quest. (Today, let it be documented is February 1, 2010.)

So today at school an acquaintance of mine (who I shall call Abe until getting further permission to use his real name on this blog ) came in with a list he got off wikipedia of all the zombie movies ever made. While most people would see this as nothing more than a waste of paper, I saw it as a challenge. Now Abe's goal was to one day have seen every movie on that list and own them all. My goal is simple: To have seen them all by the end of the year. By February 1st 2011, I am determined to have seen all of the movies on the list (bestowed to you by the link from the previous entry.) ( I would also like to note that I was promised a trophy if I manage to pull this off one of little business men kind but with a limb chopped off.)

So I set up this blog with the sole purpose to document my experience over this next year, My Year Among the Undead if you will. I walked into that class today thinking I'd seen my fair share of Zombie movies. It is my goal now to see everyone's fair share of zombie movies.

Keep checking in, I'll probable be on a lot with zombie news, movie reviews, posters ( as an extra I'll try to post pics of movie posters from all of them ) and other things to describe to you my progress.

Wish me luck, for I am about to travel into the land of the living dead.

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