Sunday, February 14, 2010

Review: Warriors of Terra

This movie had little to do with zombies. Really it had little to do with anything. It was terrible. I would tell you a little about the plot, but I'm actually kind of confused by it. So instead I'm going to give you extra pictures from it instead Sound like a deal? Here you go.

It's safe to say I don't recommend it.

I was planning on watching a zombie nurse in love today, what with the depressing holiday, I mean, after all, there is only one valentines day in my zombie year. But instead I'm going to do a rewatch. My parents haven't seen zombieland yet and I got it for Valentines day so, I'll try to get a second movie in today though, Zombie nurse in love hasn't come in yet, so I'll probably just do a freebie.

Let you know how it goes though.

Love, ( eat my flesh )

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