Saturday, March 20, 2010

Movie Review: Graveyard Alive; A zombie Nurse In Love

It was incredible. I have to admit I was kind of worried about it, after all, it was old. It wasn't even in color and, well, the subtitle was A Zombie Nurse in Love. But it was really good.

The zombie mythology was really inaccurate though. It was sort of like a mix between early vampire legends and werewolves. They were referred to as zombies but they could only killed by stabbing something silver into the third eye. Also they were very human like, much more so than the zombies as we know them today, they could stay human as long as they continued to devour the flesh of the living.

It was really good, I would recommend it to anyone. It wasn't really very graphic and there was very minimal nudity, especially considering the sexual appetite that the zombie nurse had. So try and get your hands on a copy.

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