Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Router Crash

Wow, it's like the heavens are wanting my not to write this blog. I post on here I'm going to try to update this more regularly and then my house computer crashes. No problem, I can just use my laptop. Well then I got a job house sitting for a friend of my moms, no wireless connection. So then I get home and it's like a can get on now, nothing preventing me from blogging today right? Wrong. Now our wireless router has crashed and only one person can be online at a time. Can you believe it?
Fortunately it's my turn with the internet and I am using the time not to explain to my gaming friends why I'm never on anymore but to tell you about my latest Zombie endeavors.

So, since I no longer have limited internet access I have started writing reviews down on paper as I watch the movie and can type them out later, so I can post like 6 or 7 blogs every time I get internet, not the way I would like for this to work, but certainly better than not posting at all.

Okay, so an update on the last week of zombie activity. I have blogs written up for the ReAnimator, Corpses, I Eat Your Skin and C.H.U.D., I have a list of back up reviews I need to post and in the Netflix Queue I have just gotten in Zombies on Broadway and I Was A Zombie For The FBI.

I will be back on ASAP with my reviews, so sorry for yet another inconvenience.


  1. You can use my internet when you come over! :D

    You should do an exclusive blog on "The Room." It may not be a Zombie movie but...YOU'RE TEARiNG ME APART, LiSA!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. OMG!!!!!!!! I should totally compare The Room to like, skeleton key 2. Show how bad the room is, and then be like "Hey, it's better than all the movies' I've seen this month LOOK WHAT THIS LIST IS DOING TO ME!!!!! YOU TEARING ME APART ZOMBIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (lol, bad pun. *insert scene from Shaun of the Dead where Zombies actually do tear somebody apart*)
